Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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Senior Officials' Meeting

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) shall inform the participating states on all relevant aspects with regards to the Prague Process’ future, in accordance with the Bratislava Ministerial Declaration. Participating States shall be updated and contribute to the discussions on the future implementation of the Process and its Action Plan, its work plan, intended objectives, thematic priorities, the funding provided, as well as the establishment of the Training and Analytical Centre as foreseen by Ministers in Bratislava in 2016.

September 2016 is not only when the Bratislava Ministerial Declaration was endorsed, but also when the UN General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for  Refugees and Migrants, representing an impetus for the work on the global compacts for safe, orderly and regular migration and on refugees. The Prague Process as a regional inter-governmental platform is well placed to get involved in the preparatory work before the foreseen adoption of both compacts in September 2018 but also in the implementation and monitoring on the regional level that will follow-up to the adoption. The SOM shall raise this issue and dedicate a session to this work that requires involvement on national, regional and global levels.