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07 December 2018

Migration Profiles

The Migration Profile 2015 covers a five year period (2010-2014) and provides the most recent data collected by all relevant Georgian state organizations involved in migration related policy development, management or data collection. At the same time, in order to present a comprehensive picture of migratory processes to and from Georgia, MP utilized results of social research organizations (both local and international) as well as data collected by the World Bank, UN DESA, Eurostat and other EU or UN agencies, or other relevant organizations.

Migration Profile 2015 presents relevant data and analysis to all interested parties to create a comprehensive picture of an important period in development of migratory processes to and from Georgia – a transition from a solely transit and emigration country to a country of immigration. Migration to and from Georgia is also becoming more diversified in terms of countries of origin and destination, and type of emigration or immigration. Georgia is also continuously improving its international protection mechanisms and sets policies to accommodate needs of both immigrants and return migrants, to ensure their successful integration and reintegration. At the same time, the profile identifies policy areas and data collection gaps that need to become a topic for further research and analysis.


The 2015 Migration Profile of Georgia was developed by the State Commission on Migration Issues with the support of ICMPD ENIGMMA2 Project.