Укрепляя сотрудничество между государствами Пражского процесса

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29 мая 2020


This video contains the presentation of Mr Glen Hodgson, Founder and CEO of the Independent Think Tank Free Trade Europa, delivered during the first Prague Process webinar “The possible impact of COVID-19 on the EU’s demand for high-skilled migrants” that took place on 16 April 2020.

To watch the full-length video of the webinar, which entails the Q&A session, please go here.

The webinar offered an analysis of the current state of play amid the ongoing pandemic and assessed its potential future impact on the EU’s labour market. In particular, it looked at possible short and mid-term impact of COVID-19 on labour shortages in the EU and the future of skilled work; existing shortcomings of the relevant EU acquis through the COVID-19 lens and possible solutions; ongoing swift digitalisation and the need for high-qualified migrants to support industries; migration management tools to sustain national economies and welfare systems in the post-coronavirus period. The webinar is based on the Policy brief “Intra-corporate Transferees (ICTs): The benefits for the EU and the opportunity cost”, published within the Prague Process Migration Observatory.


The webinar was organised by the Prague Process Secretariat at ICMPD.