Enhancing cooperation among the Prague Process states

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About the course

Identification and Profiling at the Border

The world interconnectivity means that more travellers around the globe cross national and international borders. To make sure that borders remain secure for travellers and states, responsible personnel at border checkpoints performs an appropriate screening and authorization to entry and exit.  In this course, an experienced trainer on profiling and identification issues Monika Weber explains what profiling is, how it is performed, and what role it plays in the daily work of the front line officers working at the border. Course participants will be introduced to the basic terms and aspects of the discipline, gain knowledge on critical and warning elements in profiling and learn more about various factors influencing profiling practices. In the following chapters, Monika Weber will explain how to detect an impostor and identify a fake passport, as well as provide some profiling case studies.

The second part of the course is devoted to the identification of victims of human trafficking (THB) and smuggling. An anti-trafficking specialist Elena Petreska describes types of transnational organised crimes and core international legal instruments. She further presents the difference between human trafficking and smuggling, outlines important trafficking elements and forms before providing additional details on criminal offences and the non-refoulment principle in the THB context.

This online course is targeting front line officers responsible for the first line border control, including border guards, border police, law enforcement agencies or migration authorities. This is also suitable for other groups interested in profiling and identification.

What you will learn

  • What is profiling? Where it is used? Predictive Profiling
  • Profiling Triangle
  • Critical and warning elements in Profiling
  • Multicultural differences. Non-verbal communication. Direct vs Indirect Cultures. Factors influencing Profiling
  • Identity fraud, impostor detection, morphing attacks
  • Camouflage passports. Fantasy passports.
  • Profiling case studies.
  • Understanding the crime. International legal instruments.
  • Elements of the trafficking in human beings (THB). Irregular migration.
  • Trafficking vs Smuggling
  • Forms of THB. Offences committed at various stages of trafficking. The non-refoulment principle in the THB context.

What is included

  • Quizzes
  • Useful Links and sources
  • Certification of completion


Monika Weber

Monika Weber

Senior Advisor in the Border Management and Security Programme

Monika Weber joined ICMPD in 2009 and is currently a Senior Advisor in the Border Management and Security Programme. She started her career with the Czech Police in 1994 and was later seconded to the UN mission. Her portfolio ranges from border management, immigration issues and document security to asylum and combatting trafficking in human beings. Since 2003, she has been carrying trainings and delivering presentations in numerous international fora on border management

Elena Petreska

Elena Petreska

Anti-Trafficking Specialist

Elena Petreska is Anti-Trafficking Specialist at the ICMPD Anti-Trafficking Programme. Over the past 12 years, she has been involved in various anti-trafficking projects, aiming to enhance the transnational cooperation on trafficking cases, build capacities and support national authorities in developing their anti-trafficking response. Elena is also conducting qualitative research in various ICMPD initiatives