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Recording of the Policy Talk: ‘Looking into 2024: What migration-related developments to expect’

In our beginning-of-the-year tradition, Jean-Louis De Brouwer (Director, European Affairs Program, Egmont Institute) and Ralph Genetzke (Director, ICMPD Brussels Mission) met again to assess the key lessons and migration policy developments of 2023 and shared their expectations for 2024.  

You may watch the recording of the Policy Talk in English by following this link.

Amidst conflicts and crises across the EU’s neighbourhood, the European Council’s historic decision on the EU enlargement of December 2023 was assessed from a migration policy perspective. The Policy Talk highlighted that migration is set to play a key role in the upcoming mid-2024 EU elections, which will largely determine the place of migration within the next strategic agenda for 2024-2029. With the recent political endorsement of the EU Pact on Asylum and Migration, the panel also delved into its future role and prospects. The Policy Talk further explored topics such as the forced displacement of Ukrainians, recent attempts by EU Member States to externalize asylum procedures, and the need to boost legal migration channels to address ever increasing labour shortages.

About the panelists:

Jean-Louis De Brouwer joined the Institute in 2019, after retiring from the European Commission where, as a director, he was successively in charge of immigration, asylum, visas and border policies (DG Justice and Home Affairs), the implementation of the EU2020 agenda and employment policies (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) and humanitarian aid operations and policies (DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations).

Ralph Genetzke has an excellent knowledge of the EU institutions and the external dimension of EU migration and asylum policies. He also carries out trainings on these topics.

Moderation: Violeta Wagner

Violeta has an international law background and over 10 years of experience working for the Lithuanian state administration on migration issues. Since 2011, she has been involved in the management of migration-related projects in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region at ICMPD.


The Prague Process Repository contains video recordings of all past webinars and policy talks.
